Friends United Meeting & Evangelical Friends International – North America November 17- 20, 2006, San Antonio, Texas
The churches of EFI North America (EFI-NA) include local churches within general geographical areas of North America which gather for common business once each year. In North America, we have six yearly meetings/regions that join for ministries that can better be accomplished together than could be done alone. These yearly meetings/regions include:
- Alaska Yearly Meeting
- Evangelical Friends Church – Eastern Region
- Evangelical Friends Church – Mid-America Yearly>Meeting
- Northwest Yearly Meeting
- Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting
- Evangelical Friends Church–Southwest
We are drawn together through our clear committment to Jesus Christ and a common desire to change our local and international worlds for Christ. We join in ministry where it is mutually beneficial. Our joint ministries include:
- Education materials (Christian Education Commission)
- Communication of news and vision (National Publication: Friends Voice)
- Leadership decisions (including conferences & fellowships)
- World leadership gatherings
- Missionary outreach (Evangelical Friends Mission)
On behalf of the nearly 300 churches and over 41,000 regular attendees, I invite you to visit our regional sites for a revealing look at our heritage, our purposes, our news, and many more things of interest to us as evangelical Friends. May the Lord bless you!
– Dr. John P. Williams, Jr.
North American Regional Director